Saturday, June 13, 2009

because i need a place to rest my head

i am currently posted in pedodontics@pediatric dentistry department.
i screwed up my first restorative case real bad. if i were in somewhere civilised i would probably be consulting an attorney right now. bless this uncivilised nation.
and she..damn she is a nice kid.
i have never met a child who does not scream during her visit to dentist.

name: kumari spoorti k. katrale (spoorti)
age: 8
gender: female.

it's true.she doesnt shed even a drop of tear. she is probably the most quiet and obedient kid i have ever met.bless the parents who did a brilliant job bringing this sweet little creature into life.

me: (doing the cavity preparation)
spoorti: (moving moving a bit)
me: novu? (pain?)
spoorti: nods.
me: novu solpa solpa aur jashtri? (sakit sikit ke byk?)
spoorti: nods.
me: novu solpa solpa? (sakit sikit?)
spoorti: nods.
me: novu jashtri? (sakit banyak?)
spoorti: nods.
me: hanya mampu garu kepala.

i'm juggling a lot of things at the same time. kids,denture,exam,etc.
i need a break.a vacation. a place to rest my head.